Main Project Capability & Focus Area

In recent counterinsurgency operations, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) have been responsible for more casualties than any other threat. Small unit warfighters require not only equipment and technologies, but also improved mental agility to combat the intelligent insurgent networks who attack with IEDs. The Marine Corps and Army need training products that will enhance the cognitive skills of small ground units, in both today’s and tomorrow’s mission environment.
CPG designed and developed a suite of easy-to-use, decision-centered C-IED training tools that can be flexibly applied by Warfighters. The suite exists of three software products:

Scenario Design Tool (SDT)
The SDT enables small unit leaders and trainers to create realistic scenarios that incorporate decision challenges into the training of individual and collective tasks. The SDT produces a series of output reports for a variety of training environments from virtual to live (including IMT-NET, below). These Reports can direct the development of high-quality scenarios. They provide pre- and post-scenario materials, such as Operations and Fragmentary Orders, Intelligence Summaries, and After Action Review topics and guidance.

Insurgent Methods Training – Network Enhanced Training (IMT-NET)
The IMT-NET is a Virtual Battlespace 2 module consisting of tutorials, individual scenarios, and a collective free-play mission environment. By operating as insurgents, Warfighters improve their ability to recognize and disrupt insurgent activities.

C-IED Assessment Tool
The C-IED Assessment Tool features the capability to evaluate an individual's cognitive performance in small unit C-IED operations. It consists of a Situational Judgment Test, which can determine the baseline of current capabilities, assess individual readiness for C-IED missions, and evaluate decisions skills acquired through training operational experience.
We built an innovative and effective Decision Training Toolkit (DTT) consisting of three mutually supporting products to train and assess C-IED skills. Each is grounded in science, and they integrate seamlessly into existing Warfighter training practices.
The DTT transforms how we think about and train small unit C-IED operations. It supports the development of Warfighter cognitive skills associated with observing complex environments, collecting and reporting key information about insurgent networks, recognizing threats, and responding to emplaced IEDs.
This effort was sponsored by the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO).