Main Project Capability & Focus Area

Across 87 formal learning centers, the United States Marine Corps Training Command has been challenged with training large numbers of Marines with limited instructors and time available. Instructors needed learning strategies and tools to support and enhance the student learning experience while optimizing their use of time and resources. Furthermore, due to the need to prepare Marines for tomorrow’s increasingly uncertain, complex, and decentralized operating environment, an active, student-centered learning model was needed. Courses needed to be designed and delivered in a way that is engaging, interactive, personalized, and increased efficiencies for instructor time.
The purpose of the ABLE effort was to develop a model to deliver MOS-specific training content in a self-paced, adaptive format that enhances student learning and creates efficiencies for instructor time. The Tactical Intelligence Officer Course (TIOC) at the Marine Corps Intelligence Schools served as the testbed for this project. An online, self-paced adaptive Moodle lesson was designed and blended with in-person classroom instruction to enable class time to be devoted optimally for practical application exercises.
An experimental study design was applied to measure learning effectiveness and time efficiency associated with the adaptive Moodle lesson and blended learning experience in comparison to traditional practice. The results of the ABLE intervention were not statistically different in terms of learning effectiveness and demonstrated greater time efficiencies than the lecture for the control group. This additional time enabled the experimental group to spend more class time on interactive exercises, such as discussion and small group practical application exercises. The outcomes of this effort contributed to developing a framework for effective, adaptive, blended learning course designs throughout Training Command.
This effort is sponsored by the USMC Training Command and the Office of Naval Research.