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Ross, K.G., & Phillips, J.K. (in press). Developing mastery models to support the acquisition and assessment of expertise. In P. Ward, J.M. Schraagen, J. Gore, and E. Roth (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Expertise. Oxford University Press.
Hancock, A. K., Phillips, J. K., & Niehaus, J. (2019). Assessment toolkit for leader adaptability skills: Phase II base final technical report. (Technical Report prepared under Contract N00014-18-C-1006 for the Office of Naval Research). Orlando, FL: Cognitive Performance Group.
Hancock, A. K., Phillips, J. K., Steinhauser, N. B., & Niehaus, J. (2019). Cognitive skill assessment in a virtual environment. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Phillips, J.K., Hancock, A.K., Baxter, H.C., Williams, M.L., Pfahler, M.D. (2019). U.S. Marine Corps intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance mastery model. Developed for Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA under contract N00014-18-C-2034.
Williams, M. L., Phillips, J. K., & Ross, W. A. (2018). ISR current and future training technical report. (Technical Report prepared under Contract N00014-18-C-2034 for the Office of Naval Research). Orlando, FL: Cognitive Performance Group.
Phillips, J. K., & McCann, S. E. (2017). Option IV: Master instructor development baseline technical report. (Technical Report prepared under Contract N00014-14-C-0106 for the Office of Naval Research). Orlando, FL: Cognitive Performance Group.
Phillips, J. K., Ross, K. G., & Rosopa, P. J. (2017). Assessment instruments in support of Marine instructor development. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Ross, K.G., Rosopa, P. J., & Phillips, J.K. (2017). Master instructor development psychometric analysis report. (Technical Report prepared under Contract N00014-14-C-0106 for the Office of Naval Research). Orlando, FL: Cognitive Performance Group.
Ross, K. G. & Phillips, J. K. (2017). A cognitive framework and approach for adaptability assessment. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Vogel-Walcutt, J. J., Phillips, J. K., Ross, K. G. (2015). Marine Corps instructor mastery model: A foundation for Marine faculty professional development. Proceedings of the lnterservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Phillips, J. K., Ross, K. G., Rivera, I. D., & Knarr, K. A. (2013). Squad leader mastery: A model underlying cognitive readiness interventions. Proceedings of the lnterservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Rivera, I. D., & Ross, W. A. (2013). Development of a cognitive competency model using a hybrid methodology. Proceedings of the lnterservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Orlando, FL: National Training Systems Association.
Ross, K., Thomson, C., Wisecarver, M., Foldes, H., Roberts, M., Schaab, B., Peluso, D., Prevou, M. (2012). Development of a competency model for civil-military teaming. (Research Report 1960). Arlington, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Oden, R.V.N, Ross, K.G., Rivera, I.D., & Phillips, J.K. (2011). A cognitively-based competency model for small unit counter-IED performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, USA, 414-418.
McCloskey, M. J., Behymer, K. J., Papautsky, E.L., Ross, K. G., & Abbe, A. (2010). A developmental model of cross-cultural competency at the tactical level (Technical Report 1278). Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Ross, W. A., Militello, L. & Bencaz, N. (2010). Specification and development of an expert model for "combat hunters" (Technical Report under Contract N00140-06-D-0060). Orlando, FL: Cognitive Performance Group.
Peters, D. J., Jackson, L.A., Phillips, J. K., & Ross, K. G. (2008). The time to decide: How awareness and collaboration affect the command decision making process. In A. Kott (Ed.), Battle of Cognition: The Future Information-Rich Warfare and the Mind of the Commander. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Security International.
Ross, K. G., Shaffer, J. L., & Klein, G. (2006). Professional judgments and "naturalistic decision making." In K.A. Ericsson, N. Charness, R. R. Hoffman, and P. J. Feltovich (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ross, K. G., Klein, G., Thunholm, P., Schmitt, J. F., & Baxter, H. C. (2004). The recognition-primed decision model. U.S. Military Review, 1(4), 6-10.